Saturday, July 5, 2014

Day 2 notes

After noshing on some tasty treats at our Hampton Inn near Lexington, we took off for Jim Beam.  Lots of fun there overall.  We made our way to Bardstown for a drink and a quick visit. The town was pretty dead because of the holiday, but worth a stop.  For the evening, we attended a festival in Bullitt County.  The day was gorgeous - mid 70s and cooler in the evening with a nice breeze.

The lasting memory I'll have from this festival is in regards to the people.  By our sampling at this event, seemingly 80% of the people in Kentucky smoke.  It's so rare I even see smokers anymore, that it seemed really strange.  Additionally, holy crap, the people are ugly.  I'm no supermodel (clearly), but all I can say is that these have to be some of the ugliest, backwoods people I've ever seen.  Ok, so it's a mass generalization to say the state of Kentucky has ugly people, but what we saw tells me it must be a top10 most ugliest state.  Think Honey-Boo-Boo mating with Frakenstein and you'll get the picture.  We were tempted to post some pictures, but didn't want to single out any one hideous creature we saw.  Oh...and if you think it's just me, it's not.

Check here: States with ugly people

So, not quite at the top of the list, but in the discussion.

Got to hotel really late on fourth, hence the posting of this on 7/5....

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