Sunday, July 13, 2014

Drive to top of world

Early on Sunday, we drove up on Trail Ridge Road to the Alpine Visitors Center.  About 11 miles of this road is above the treeline and for much of the drive one is above 12,000 feet.  Lots of driving near cliffs (sans guard rails) which is pretty interesting.  I'm running out of ways to note something is cool or awesome or the like, so take a look at the pictures and see for yourself.  Nice.  It's tundra at the top and for July was pretty darn cold (low 50s).

Got back to our crib just in time to watch the soccer game and see Germany defeat Argentina.

We then went back out to park and relaxed near a nice stream for a while.  To cap off the evening, we went back into RMNP one last time, at night, to do some star gazing.  One great thing about lodging here is that we're pretty much in the closest place you can stay to the park without staying in the it's really quick and easy to get in and out.

We are heading up to Mt. Rushmore early on Monday.

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